As you could be living in your student accommodation for at least a year you want to make sure that you get a good deal. As it is likely to be your first time away from home, you want the transition to be as easy as possible accommodation for student london. There are some obvious things that will put you off right away: dirty interiors or exteriors and an unpleasant smell. But there are also lots of other little things that could end up being a problem. Before you start to look, have a list of things that you want to know about the property and the contract.
Too often you will be told what the owner or agency wants you to know, not what is important to you. It won’t matter if you are renting with friends or moving in with strangers. You want to be in a pleasant house. Once you have chosen a place to view, arrange an appointment and make sure you have your camera. There may be slight issues that you are happy to live with, but not end up being expected to pay for. Dented floor boards may not stop you from moving in but you do not want to get blamed for the damage. Big issues to look out for are:
- Dampness – This could make you ill and ruin your belongings. Look for signs in the room you are shown.
- Wildlife – The only wildlife you want is in the student bar so look out for signs of mice or fleas. Listen out for noises as it could indicate something is present. Even birds in the roof can be annoying.
- Setting – Be realistic and choose somewhere you can afford and fit in. If you see rooms in a very quiet area and there are a number of you looking, you may find that you will soon have problems with the neighbours if you want to have late night fun. Also you need to take into account public transport or you could end up a little isolated or paying a fortune in taxis.
- Safety – Look for a burglar alarm and decent locks on the doors and windows. Few areas where there are large amounts of students will be crime free as they tend to be in large cities and thieves feel students have the latest electronics. Look for street lighting and the condition of the other houses.
- Inclusions – Make sure what you see is what you can use. You do not want to find that one housemate has brought a microwave just for their use, and the hoover or iron is for everyone. Check that you have enough sockets in your room for what you will be plugging in.
Finally, check that you know what is included in the price. You do not want to suddenly find that you owe for your share of the gas and electricity when you thought that was included.